The old is good but the new is in good mood! what makes a combination of these two?
Fortunately the producing company has changed the drawbacks that the previous game had. They adjust the game like SF2. It has exactky the same combos and offers the same wonderful feeling. Besides some moves that could never be performed didn't come back. Super attacks are still here and not so difficult to be performed. They aren't going to take you more than five minutes to learn. The high damagind Ultra moves are performed also in the same way. If during a powerful you press another button or a combination of buttons the the atack will be faster or more damaging. So you can select a variety of moves to perform. It is a game like chess. The atacks are simple but they can be combined to produce a huge amount. Sf iv is a game that respect the fatique of the player.
Let's go to the character selection. Capcom has kept the originall roster(12 characters) and added some more. Everyone is perfectly designed. In additions animations are wonderful and have a next-gen appearance. The flash kicks for example leave a light trace behind them. The new characters add style to gameplay. Everyone has his own movements and features.
Street Fighter IV maintain the first game's enthusiasm but added some PS3 backgrounds like bars or streets with children that yell or play. In SFIV you can change the longuage of every character in his mother tongue. All in all everything is good from the sound to the characters animation before the battle.
Why doesn't this game takes a 10 rating? There is a dissadvatage. The controls. You should apply the moves in the d-pads and the L and R buttons. that needs a lot of train to learn and at first you will find difficulties getting well with it.
To sum up it is game that everyone has the right to play. A PS3 masterpiece!!
Lasting appeal:10