Indestructible! I wont let anybody break me down. Get Street Fighter 4, Go to shops and buy it now! Street
Street Fighter started as an Arcade Game-Only, you can only use Ryu (or Ken in 2P Mode). Then Capcom made Street Fighter II (For SNES and Megadrive), Then a bunch of remakes (Championship, Turbo, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo, then X, then Hyper, then HD Remix). Street Fighter 3, was then Made, with mixed up gameplay (still prefered 2). Untill the missing link between the two games (Street Fighter 4) has been released. Well I've got the Collector's Edition.
It contains:
*The game, in a Different cover than normal (It has Ryu, with the faces of the 4 Original Boss and 4 New Characters fading)
*A Blu-Ray video of Street Fighter 4 (in HD)
*A little booklet of the 4 New Characters (with the Alt. Costume codes behind)
*A Ryu and C. Viper Figurines (Which couldn't be removed because of a metal seal)
Graphics runs very well in the game, I like the effects and everything, the ink, opening, everything was nice except when at cutscenes, the in-game graphics went less detailed, then at the FIGHT! the graphics looks better! Opening effects, and anime-cutscenes are great! If you're confused about the anime cut-scenes, you have to watch Street Fighter 4 :The Ties that Bind, to understand the cut-scenes. Ryu's face also looks weird in game, and the Shinkuu Hadouken was dissapointing, it's just look like a Normal Hadouken, in Tatsunoko vs capcom, it looked better by far! Sometimes, it felt basic, but most of the time, it looks nice.
Gameplay, is still the same great gameplay, with added features like the awesome Ultra Finish, and the focus attack. I bought a Super Famicom to play Street Fighter 2, it's awesome.
Then playing Street Fighter 4, everything is still the same, the Hadouken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, it was easier to do compared to the SNES one. Then in Street Fighter 4, moves are still performed the same, but way easier. Some moves has been a lot easier to perform compared to Street Fighter 2. However, it felt less chalenging that way. All the characters from the original Street Fighter 2, are back! The 4 Devas as well, plus Cammy and Fei Long, and of course, Akuma/Gouki! There are added characters not included in Street Fighter 2, they are Sakura, Dan, Rose and Gen. Also, two new powerful and annoying characters when you face them, these two are: Gouken and Seth.
Gouken is overpowerful, but for some reason, his life gague didn't felt smaller than Akuma and Seth. Even the Shin Shoryuken looks stronger that the Shin Shun Goku Satsu.
Well most of the moves are easier to do, like the Shun Goku Satsu for example, making the game easier to play, but some characters felt weaker than they suppose to be. When Capcom said about "rebalancing gameplay", they have failed on some. Let's use Ken for example, they made him the "noob" character, that is easily get hit. Also, you go at Arcade mode, you face Seth, and all he does is Teleport, Teleport, Teleport, Grab 360-Spin in mid-air, teleport, that kick that attacks like the Shun Goku Satsu.
It really is annoying. Zangief also do this as well..
Combos are quite hard to pull off sometimes due to me using the PS3 controller, not the Stick, but have used the stick before which felt easier to play on (I'm definitely buying a Fighting Stick). This game is definitely a button-mashing game, well for some of them. The gameplay is definitely better than Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur 4. Online is quite great, you get your own ID, and Pic Online. It's also quite complexed but at least not as annoying as Tekken (with multiple combo listing), SSBB is till my fav. but this game is pure awesome still on gameplay.
Sounds, is IMMENSE! I wouldn't say it beats SSBB and MGS4, but probably one of the best sound games ever. Ken's theme especially is just really sound awesome. The Opening Song:
EXILE - The Next Door (Indestructible), is SUPER AWESOME!
even better, the Guitar Solo half-way the Opening!! Extremely awesome. The characters, can be changed to their language between Japanese and English with each character.
What's even better, is that you can put your own songs while playing the game (for me, the first game in PS3 that featured this feature)
Presentation = Perfect, again just hilighting it to Street Fighter 4 already looks awesome (In XMB), Opening is awesome, the art, shade looks great, Selection screen was quite basic, Character Select is great. The only disappointment is that when you set your PS3 in JP, the game doesn't turn in JP fully like SCIV could.
Value, man lots to do, you have trophies, unlocking characters, color, Time Attack, Training, combos, you could stay on this game for a very long time, longer than SCIV.
Overall the game is nearly perfect, but there were some few problems in it, and some missing features, It could have been better with Create-A-Character with a selection of Nationality.
And fixing the annoying AI's
But the bottom line is, It's an awesome game so buy it!
Goods/ +
Good characters are here
Some New good addition in the game
Gameplay is Great, just like a typicall fighting game but better.
Great Graphics
Awesome Sounds
Intro = Best intro game of '09 so far
Online features are great
Trophies are included
Costumes in PS Home, awesome
Lots to do
Eng/*** voice acting can be changed in every single character!
Moves are coo
Can play your own music while playing
Music tune is really great, very catchy on some of them.
Volcano background ROCKS!
Most of the characters really looks good
Bad/ -
Buying Alt. Costumes = RIP OFF!
Ryu's Shinkuu/ Metsu Hadouken isn't as good as in TvC.
Seth is ANNOYING! So as Zangief and Abel!!
Some of the character's faces looks weird.
Gameplay/Innovation - 9/10
Graphics - 9/10
Sound - 10/10
Value - 9.5/10
Presentation - 10/10