Fighting game keeps cherry-picking

User Rating: 7 | Street Fighter IV X360
I was very disappointed in this game, but not surprised. It seems like this franchise has always suffered from cpu opponents that rely on cheap shot tactics to win fights. The result is a flawed experience.

It's too bad, because I love the characters and the new graphic look is great. Still, there are enough fighting genre games that don't have this flawed combat mechanic that I can't really endorse this title.

If you're a strong fan of the series, than everything I'm saying won't really apply to you. You're either fine with it, or have adapted to it. If you're relatively new, however, I strongly urge you to look elsewhere, and save yourself a ton of frustration. If you're curiousity gets the better of you, do yourself a favor and rent it. I'm really glad I did, and I'm sure my bloodpressure is too.