Some major flaws
Second...Priority...Some characters moves are so cheap in that they have priority over almost everything...For example, a dragon uppercut. One can be in the middle of a combo and get smacked out of it by this move. This is just one of the many examples. Just that the lack of equilibrium of priority makes some characters almost impossible to beat with other characters. For example, Balrog vs. Blanka. Since Blanka is constantly spinning in most of his moves he always hits before Balrog, whose moves only hit at the end of the move. Horrible...
And Third...Controllability...I don't know about the PS3 controller, but the Xbox360 controller makes things so much harder to do, let alone when you want to do them. Not being able to do what you want to do when you want to do it is game changing. Sigh...
These three things make the game so frustrating. Most of the time I just end up turning the game off and playing SF2THD...