In depth review for Street Fighter 4.

User Rating: 9 | Street Fighter IV (Collector's Edition) PS3
As we all know, Capcom is one of the best video game companies that has ever existed. Whether you see them as the Megaman Company or even for the Devil May Cry series. There are a few of us who have been gripping on to their unmatched arcade brawler for the past decade. Street fighter 3 was originally released in 1998, and now about 11 years later they hit us with the greatest fighting game of the next generation with Street Fighter 4.

Once again the world warriors must unite to stop an evil corporation that is killing and kidnapping all of the world's greatest fighters in their art. They have all the street fighter characters from the second game, except there are two people missing that i would have like to see. They are of course Dee Jay and T. Hawk. I feel as though I should get to the negatives about the game before I go on a rant about how fantastic this title is. First off, you will not have any real idea of what is happening in the story because there are very awful and pointless cut scenes before and after you beat the game with your chosen character. Every once and a while you run into a laggy as anything online bout where it comes down to who hits the buttons first because neither of you know what's going on. The worst of all though is not at the game's fault, and I must ask everyone who has played online. Why do you all think you are Ken and Ryu? There are over 20 characters and about 75% of the time I'm fighting one of those two. The next complaints are actually the developer's fault, i just think that the balance of power between the characters is awful. If you're playing as any character and have to take on either Zangief or Sagat, you can land every move in your arsenal, and with an ultra combo or in Zangief's case a grab the match is back to even because they are set with higher health and insane power. All bad stuff aside, now I'll let you know all the great things about the game. They come back with a mix of some new and some old in the soundtrack, and all the new has got a hint of classic inside of it with a different beat behind it, making it pretty awesome. I don't care what anyone says about the Backstreet Boy style menu and intro theme. The look of the game just smacks you in the face saying, "Hey look, we're cartoony, but we look amazing!". I don't think that they could have found a better art style to make it look fresh and keep the classic look for all the fans that have followed this game for the past 20 years. Between the smooth animations and crisp graphics I'd definitely say this one's a winner for Capcom. The next comments I wanted to get in there were all about the controls. They are really easy, but your hands will get tired, with all that button mashing.

My final thoughts on SFIV would have to go very strongly in the favor of a purchase. If you like fighting games that a button masher can't get lucky in then this definitely is the one for you. Just please do not get out there and use Ken in every single match, because there's nothing I enjoy more than stomping all the rookies who think they rock because they can throw fireballs and uppercut me. Why are you still reading this? Get out there and buy it!