User Rating: 8.5 | Street Fighter IV (Collector's Edition) PS3
Street fighter 4 is the long waited for game in the street fighter series, and it with no looking back the best, weve all been waiting for this game , and it was well orth the wait ^^

story : the story is kinda like the others but not not quite the same another worls worrior tornement has arose and everyone sets out to win it , i really like the anime parts that are at the begining of every characters story mode , theree really well done ^^

characters : there are all your favs and new ones too ,the new characters cosist od abel, crimson viper , rufus , el fuerte and seth . all have new moves never before seen in other SF games. so all characters are great in there own ways

graphics: they are beautiful all thecolors that are in it m just make it so great and backgrouns are great too ^^
gameplay : well all i have to say is its amazing , its youe old SF just in 3D , it runs perfectly , amazing

sound : all souns for SF4 is great , only , the main song get anoying at times XD but its alright other wise , nothing special , all sound afects are as they sould be ^^


story :4/5
characters 5/5
gameplay: 5/5
sound 4/5

great game worth a rent al least, greatfun and online aswell ^^
thanks for reading.