A great mix of cars, guns and gangsta action. Worth checking out but could have ben better.
Next is gameplay. The game provides a good experience mixing burnout with grand theft auto and twisted metal. There are a few different types of ways to play. There are standard races, twisted metal style death mathches, Outrunning the police and escorts wich is protecting a team mate to put it simple. Each game type gives you a good expirerience together with a good variety of cars guns and characters that you will be playing with. Cars are in 4 classes wich are sports, wich gives you tricked out exotics and tuners, classic, wich consists of muscle cars and lowriders, SUV's wich are big pimped out Escalade style trucks, and Pickup Trucks, Wich are what you would expect. Guns are great too giving you a variety of pistols, Assault Rifles. Shotguns, even rocket Launchers, as you race and blat your way through LA.
The story though isnt all that intence but its realy only suppose to just help the game flow along and not realy make a mark giving you a few nice looking well voiced cut scenes as you go through the game.
The sound aspect kind of works both ways. The Gangsta slang gets overdone a lil bit but it doesnt realy take away from the game. The music works out as long as your cool with West Coast Gangster Rap wich works well with the game and sounds great. The gameplay sound effects work out with cars speeding around and guns blasting away and the taunts when you take out a rival.
In the end Street Riders Gives you a good solid experience of a game and will keep you entertained for a good amount of time and is a great addition to the psp library.