UI very bad, very hard, flashing all the time. Hard to understand objectives. Objective fail resets several hours of pla
Objective fails are not dependent on your actions, time limit on everything, when received an objective you don't understand when what and how is supposed to happen. Bumping any object even slightly nearly kills you. Players i being focused all the time. Ship is very fragile, dies 10 seconds after being focused. Strike suite mode is suicide mode as you can only strafe left and right, strafing does not avoid being damaged, after strike suite ends you crash into any target that was in front of you. Targets are very hard to manage as you have only 2 options, closest objective, or one of the targets in front of you. Very low choice of weaponry, basically plasma weapon and missile launcher. Strike suite ship has even less armament then the regular strike ship. Only get upgrades forced on you by the mission and doing almost impossible objectives.