The second of this 5-part series improves upon the first episode through refinement. Of course, you expect "Teen Girl Squad" to show up in a Strong Bad Game (which appeared in the first episode), but "Cave Girl Squad?" Furter, wheras the first episode used the jokes and gags to drive the narrative, the second episode returned to its original form by making commentary at the people, places, and predicaments that the story led Strong Bad to. That is, the jokes sprang from the story instead of creating it.
The puzzles seemed much more intuitive; I rarely found myself wondering what to do next. That's not to say that they were too easy, but there certaintly felt less obtuse.
The collections (not neccessary for story progression) seemed more straightfoward and predictable too.
Telltale could have gone overboard with this and made the puzzles and collecting too easy, but they struck a middle path of interesting but not overly-difficult.