At first, too buggy to buy.. NOT NOW>> Stronghold 2 now plays like the game SHOULD have played in the beginning!

User Rating: 9 | Stronghold 2 PC
Stronghold 2 started out being one of the biggest let-down games that I've ever purchased. The quality of the gameplay was not bad as far as it's content goes, but the graphics were DEFINITELY causing some severe memory leaks - thus causing some of the worse choppiness I've ever seen... and I have a GOOD computer. Over time (a long time it seemed) Firefly studios promised to fix this problem, but it took them almost a year to do so properly, causing a lot of angry fans/costumers. The patches that were given only seemed to fix some minor gameplay issues (mostly with the torturers guild). Until FINALLY, they released the latest patch v. 1.31!
This story is one in the few that have a VERY happy ending. All of those bugs are now fixed. So, for those of you that love to build a medieval town, and then storm the town of your foes, this game is for you. If you get bored with the regular skirmishes, there are a lot of maps to download online if you look for them, OR>> you can get fancy, and make your own maps, and play them with your friends. Also, Firefly studios added 3 extra foes to spice up your single-player stronghold experience, as well as adding a new 'Crusaders' campaign where you storm or defend actual models of real life castles in existance today. This game is all about replayability, making it a very fun and strategic way of spending a few hours either on your own, or with a friend or two. So, to enjoy the game, it is now safe to say that you can now BUY the game.