very hard, very challenging, quite funny. it's just what i needed!
but nothing prepared me for a game like this!
Since this is the only one in the series that i have, i don't know much about the story in the past. Stronghold 2 carries on from stronghold 1 after infiltrating your enemy's castle for some reason which i don't know. lord barclay is his name, and he wants to take revenge on sir matthew steel (you) and he hires many people to take you out, all of which don't succeed. I can't say anymore otherwise that would be a spoiler :-). As you can see, it is kind of a weak story, but as you play it, you totally forget about that.
If you don't like the story, there are plenty of ways to enjoy the game like for example, there is a map creator for the...well, creative, and you can relive real battles in siege mode. i have the deluxe edition so i get to play conquest mode which is really cool!
Overall, it is one of those games where you build up your town, feed them, give them jobs, and send them into battle with a very cunning plan. It is a lot better than it sound though, trust me. I recommend it to fans of civcity rome, and those who want a really challenging strategy game.