Go Medieval.
Do you ever wish you could control an army of knights? Do you ever wish you could go and siege a castle? Well this game is right up your ally! This is a good castle simulation game. The game is very well researched and the story line is something of a history story but not completely believable. The game has awesome graphics, good sound, and an easy enough gameplay.
Graphically the game is beautiful. The trees move with every blow of the wind and the tar boils. The detail in the castle buildings and the characters are especially good. The game has many details during gameplay that sometimes I find myself being distracted by the beautiful scenery. When fighting starts the war graphics are just as awesome. The cool part is when the catapults hit your castle and you get to see the devastation it does in real-time, but then you realize "Oh that was my castle wall!" Don't forget to watch your archers shoot arrows at the enemy. You get to watch each and every arrow shot and you get to see the arrow strike you enemy. The graphics are probably my favorite thing about the game.
The sound is very complementary to the graphics. If you have a good sound system you can feel the catapults hit the castle (granted that’s if you have the bass up). The sound of the arrows whizzing through the air would scare any one actually on the battle field. The only sounds I dread to hear on in the game are the knights’ armor and the catapults. Both make an ominous sound and can spell doom for your castle if you don't have the proper defense. Other than the sound effects being very true to life the sound track is just as invigorating. The drums are used a lot in this game so the bass on your sound system will defiantly get a work out. Very solid sound overall.
The gameplay is a little complicated to any one first picking up the game. The controls will take some time getting used too but you still may need to have your guide to the controls. The game itself plays very smoothly and there are no real problems in fighting an opponent or trying to defeat a castle. The easiest part is keeping a castle in one piece the hard part is taking over a castle. It took me at least 20 tries to finally figure out how to take over the first siege level. I was very frustrated and could understand why so many people built castle during that time. Other the siege part o the game the gameplay is very satisfying.
Well this is a game I waited for to come out and was very happy to finally have it. I wasted no time in getting into the game. Trying to be a good lord or a nasty one is fun to play with, but unfortunately you don't get to watch people get arrested and taken to the torture areas for criminals. The only thing that may upset hardcore history buffs is the cows are very large when they should be almost the size of a deer or a dog even. Other than that this is a very enjoyable game. Go out and Have Fun!