This game is just the break we all need from the FPS, horror, and RPG's that seem dominant right now.
User Rating: 9.8 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse XBOX
Im not sure about you, but I'm getting sick of the general curve that devolopers are following these days. If you want a break from all the same games, you have to play this game. The graphics, while not being perfect are still great. Stubbs arsinel of weapons that he has available to him are just fun to play with. If you feel like you want to take a gun, you can, in fact you can just posses a whole person and take the gun with them! The sounds in this game are humurous and funny. The only complaint I had about this game was the length of it, but its replay value has made up for it in full, seeing as this is one of the most anti-linear games I have ever played. If only they would wait and make this game for the 360, it could be better, but still it doesn't disapoint as it is!