Check the bargain bin, cause thats where it will be and its a Steal!
The title "Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse" should give a clue to the comedy factor in this game. basically you play Stubbs and go where the wind takes you, eating brains and smackign people round the head with that other guys left arm.
The sounds are excellent, and while the cries of distressed humans becomse a little repetative, its nothing too worrying. On a graphical scale, its no 1080p but it does the job. using the halo engine, there is very little clipping or graphical flaws that i came across.
overall? its very satisfying to create a horde of zombies and whistle them over to a group of unsuspecting humans. Its a really big breath of fresh air, and one that I hope will be taken to the next level.