You think you've seen every type of zombie out there, and then you meet Stubbs.

User Rating: 7 | Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse XBOX
So I got this game as a present from my brother and thought, 'Heck I'll give it a shot'. I had read a long time ago that you could throw your innards at people and fart at them and bowl with your head.

Here I am stuck on a level until I realized I needed to pee into a water reservoir. This game is bat **** insane. And I love every minute of it. The moves Stubbs can do are innovative and fun, no matter how many times you pull them off (or rather, out). He's a charming yet vile zombie.

My one grip is the audio lags and makes the game seemed slower paced than it needs to be. And some levels are rather large and well, Stubbs is quite the slow one.

I'd say its worth a rent - and now a own (rather cheap). The co-op really sells it. Double teaming a guy with a fart/kidney bomb combo just couldn't get any better. Well unless... they make another Stubbs? HI-Def head bowling for the win!