The original was great, but can THQ continue what Atari started?
When I heard the sequel was coming out I thought this is going to be great; but then I found out it was going to be made by a different developer and this made me a bit skeptical, but I still looked into it becasue the original stuntman was great and I couldnt just give up on the series.
THQ have now stepped in and I think they have done well to maintain what made the original so great, they sticked to the originals formula but this time it has more epic and more explosive sets and stunts because in modern film making more is possible.
I think this installment is more breathtaking and more pulse pounding and now of course with it being on next - gen the graphics have been given a polish. The films are also a bit more epic especially that first film you work on called aftershock. The film A whooping and a holerin from the original game also returns in this installment with a whoolpin and a hollerin 2. I know people say this game is frustratng with having to restart all the time because you make mistakes, well thats what your going to have to be ready for if you want to learn the scene and keep it in your head and complete it with a full rating, so if you havent got patience maybe you should avoid this. I don't think the restarting thing ruins the game it just makes it a challenge and if your not up for a challenge don't bother with it, I actually think this games difficulty is just right I must say the film a whoopin and a hollerin 2 has been easy so far but aftershock was quite challenging so its a mix.
In the first game you could also do stunt arena shows, these return for the sequel but in this installment you can also do commercials.
This game has also added a few things to the way filming works. During flming in this game you have 5 'strikes' a 'strike' being a mistake so if you make 5 'strikes' you will fail the scene and have to reshoot unlike in the first a game were in general you just fail after making to many mistakes, so in this game you are aware of how close you are to failing. Also in this game your scenes are rated with a star system depending on how many ponts you gain in the scene the top amount of stars you can gain in a scene if you get maximum points in 4 stars because in order to get 5 you have to 'string' the intire scene which is were you do so many stunts consecutively (even stunts you arent told to do eg near misses and air time and drifting) without the points adding to your total so instead you get a string of points which add up like a combo meter and when you stop the string they add to your total after a certain amount of time, so to get a 5 star rating you have to string all the way through so basically at the end of the scene your points should say 0 if you have strung it all the way (because you havent let them all go into your total this doesnt mean you ahvent got any points though because they will add on the points screen after) and of course like the previous game after you have completed the film you can kick back and watch the trailer.
Also while you are getting these stars you are gaining unlockables for the extra game modes like stunt arena constructor etc that have returned from the original game. The game also features local and online multiplayer.
Overall this is a great game and should be bought by an owner of the original or even just a fan of stunts and epic drivng games. I think the sequel has done great and is definately on par witht he original or it could maybe be better its up to you to decide.