One of the best and most addictive PS2 games I've ever played, Stuntman's difficulty only pulls you back to try again.
1) Campaign
Campaign is sort of unique considering it's not typically a real storyline per se. You go through several films where you pull off different stunts through many different scenes. During the scenes, there's a, "bar", on the top of the screen describing the penalty or reward for completing or failing a stunt. Last I remember (from 3 years ago) you need 80% or more to complete a scene. But as previously stated, the difficulty only encourages you. Plus some of the stunts are really awesome.
2) Free Mode
The best part of Stuntman HANDS DOWN. Free mode allows you to customize your own deathtrap or stunt track with such things as loop-de-loops, BURNING HOOPS (pwnage!), and cars for running over as a monster truck. Biggest problem - to unlock the best stuff, you must get 100% (I think) on all scenes. But trust me, IT'S WAY WORTH IT!
3) Conclusion
Overall, Stuntman is one of the best games I've ever played. If you have a PS2 and no anger problems - buy it! Because trust me - not even Grand Theft Auto lets you drive off a gigantic ramp through hoops of fire driving over cars to be crushed ending with a humongous loop-de-loop. By the way, here's a tip for the loop-de-loops before you do them - drive through them in First Person. You actually will see where you're going.