I'm sorry if you had to read the last review by elliskid i know him pretty well and i think he might have been on something when he wrote it. I mean the kid is talking about tellietubies. The funny thing about his review is Im 99.9% that he doesn't even own the game at all. As for me i have honestly never playied much of it. i have heard it's not the best but also not terrible either but yet just something to pick up on a boring weekend. i think the new one coming out on the next gen consloes will be for sure worth playing. well theres my take... -General Matt-
This is one of the first games I ever got for my PS2, probably my third or fourth and I still play it. I have other games like GTA and Max Payne but I just find this game to be the most fun. The gameplay is so original, ... Read Full Review
Stuntman is a game by Reflections, the same studio that made the Driver series. Although it's a extremely fun and immersive game, you need absolute perfection to go through the game. Stuntman's premise is simple: you'... Read Full Review