When i first heard about Styx: The Master of Shadows i was excited and couldn't wait to get my hands on it, the hype was real for me, couldn't stop watching the trailers and so on. When i finally got my hands on, "BOOM!" i was hit the amnesia cliche which has been used time and time again, but in some way this game made it seem forgivable and interesting. The plot is pretty stable and the characters you meet along your journey to steal the treasure re not the best voice acting wise are average in terms of need. The graphics are not stunning but at the exact same time not terrible, on PC with everything maxed out it looked, good but add SweetFX and damn this game will be a beauty. I enjoyed particularly the stealth and the vast expanse of the maps, even though they all the paths that are available lead to the same destination, it is expected. The combat and movement system were horrific, i absolutely despised it and avoided any chances of a fight; Movement caused me several undeserving deaths that frustrated me and even though there were patches, non of which fixed the glitchiness of the problem. Furthermore the AI are sooooo dumb, its unbelievably easy to get past them and kill them, but their dumbness can be frustrating at times. Overall this game is only worth you're money if its on sale and you have a love for stealth games :)
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