User Rating: 7.5 | Sudeki XBOX
Climax needs to play more Japanese RPG'S. It's a good game with great combat and little else. The story is weak and leaves too many holes. I would have liked a pause feature for battle inventory and item usage (that was a pain) The puzzles are lame and the same generic buttons and levers per puzzle is rediculous. The Quests need alot of work, way to simple and menial for such grand prizes. The Length of the game is laughable for Xbox's first Japanesee RPG, give us at least 30-40 hrs The ending was also a big let down I don't agree with Gamespots review especially about the combat. It was handled perfectly and once you get your skills up especially Tal's and Alishe's the 20 man battles and are much easier and fun. As far as missing your target and not having a lock on, well that's just not a facter and is not needed.