Sudeki had tons of hype before its release since it was supposed to be the first great RPG on the Xbox. Well, unfortunately all the hype was for nothing. The game was headed in the right direction, but the developers screwed up in some key areas. The first and probably biggest problem lies in the AI of the game. Now, usually, this implies the enemies AI is stupid, however in this game, the enemy AI is pretty good. It's your teammates that have the problems. Now anyone who has played squad games knows the pain and frustration that bad teammate AI causes. Just imagine, if you will, you are busy hacking your way through the boss character. Of course this takes up most of your attention as his attacks are tough to dodge. You look down at your friends healths to check up on how they are faring. You then realize they all died fighting the boss's henchmen characters and you are now left alone to fight against the boss and his henchman by yourself. Not a fun situation. You're probably thinking to yourself, well thats ok i can just revive them, this is an RPG after all. But no! The developers (smart people that they are) decided pause menu's break the speed of the action! so lets just have the pause menu slow, but not stop, the game! While you are trying to wade through all your items to find the revivers, the enemies come up and start hacking their way at your health. Again not a fun situation. Another problem with the game is that the melee characters SUCK! I found that later through the game, they were too slow and clunky that it was almost impossible to do anything with them. This introduces one of the better things in the game. Two of your characters have guns! When you select them, it goes into first person shooter mode where you have to gun down all the enemies in the area. This is actually pretty fun for a while if you can live with having the comp play with your melee guys (who die really fast). Back to the bad stuff, THE VOICES!!!!!! Another smart move by the developers was to make Sudeki a very varied culture. to do this, they made it have every accent it is possible to have... in the same town. Every person you talk to will have a different accent than any other. This becomes so frustrating and annoying that you just want to tear your hair out from some of the horrible voices. All in all, this review made the game out to be worse than it is. It definitely has its good points, the story is really good and the graphics are impressive for their time. The play time is a little on the short side but is still okay while it lasts once you get past the flawed AI (I gave the difficulty an easy despite the AI since it isn't all that hard for the character you are playing as to stay alive). I recommend this as a renter.
I kinda liked Sudeki, but I was also frustrated with it too. The combat was shallow, the worst parts of action rpgs and the worst parts of First Person shooters. I never felt comfortable with using either hack and slash... Read Full Review
Sudeki was a fun game when I played it back in 2004 and gave Xbox owners the chance to play a Japanese style RPG(which is a rarity on the Xbox)while also being a good one. The story is about how the light world and da... Read Full Review