The FINAL FANTASY series can bow down before this game.
Gameplay: A regular role playing game in which you can have 6 playable characters in battle at the same time with many different ways to attack. There are 3 battle modes. The first is the regular you hit me and I hit you style. The second is a 1v1 duel in which is very interesting and cool. The third is a war type battle where you get to control units and wage war. There are 108 total playable characters which you can collect to bring back to your castle. Whatever you do at some points in game can effect later parts of the game.
Graphics: Although not the best graphics compared to our times, but back than it was a masterpiece compared to the old standards in video game graphics. Even if you play it today it still has one of the best graphics in playstation as I found that 2D sprites are some of the best graphics ever created.
Sound: Excellent music. Japanese style. It gets repetitive, but the music never gets boring as events in the game makes you forget about the music.
Value: This game never seems to get boring as it have many addictive mini games like whack-a-mole which I literally spent at least 50-70 hours playing, chinchorin which I spent at least 20-30 hours on, cooking contest, wall climbing, leveling up all 108 playable characters(I spent like a decade on this part lol, but it was fun and worth every second.), collecting seeds to grow your own vegetable/fruit field.
Tilt: Very excellent game which I will replay it over and over again if I still had the game....
If you are a true RPG'er than I would recommend this game to you.
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