The Best RPG I have ever played.

User Rating: 10 | Genso Suikoden II (PSOne Books) PS
This is one time that I find Gamespot to be completly wrong about their game ratings. Normally I am glad they rate a little harder than most and they go over everything with a fine tooth comb, but they are just wrong on this game. Gameplay: I think I could go one forever about how great this game is. The story is wonderfuland is on par with many Final Fantasy games.. There are so many characters that you can play as and won't easily forget. You control 6 characters at a time, which may seem odd, but it evens out believe it or not. The controls are just as any other TBRPG would. Instead of the standard magic you have Runes that are not only vital to the story, but you must also find and equip them to use spells. Graphics: Think Crono Trigger. I personally love these type of graphics. Sound: The soundtrack is unbelievable. This is some of the best music I have ever heard composed and it blows away a lot of Uematsu's stuff. Value: The game has become quite expensive because it is in short supply. I have seen it go on Ebay for as much as $200. I was lucky enough to find it for $50, and I would have willingly paid more. There is no other RPG that has beat this game in quality and I feel there never will be.