Something is truly wrong with Gamespot to only give this game a 7.6
Brings a lot of elements from the original Suikoden back for a second time, and since it went so well the first time they didn't need to change it. The 3 types of battle return once again with not much changing in the duel, or party battles, however, wars have gotten a make over. Its no longer the rock, paper, scissor deal anymore. It closely resembles a turn-based strategy RPG. Certain characters are leaders, others grant bonuses to ATK or DEF and some grant special skills (rune powers, healing, possibility of a critical attack). Certainly a vast improvement over the old war system.
Slight improvement over its predecessor overall, but certainly not up to the standards of Final Fantasy. Graphics mean very little to me though.
The 30-60 minute learning curve is mainly for the war battles, I don't think its all that complicated, but a lot of people seem to have issues with it. Other than that easy to understand, doesn't take long to figure out how everything works. Lots of little mini games: cook offs against mysterious chefs, mountain climbing race, gambling, dancing, and more. Of course there is also the 108 Stars of Destiny to recruit, but there are also several non-stars to recruit (squirels in capes aren't only enemies you fight in the beginning). Story:
I'm gonna have to say that this is the best story of any game on the Playstation. I really don't want to say much because the story is really interesting. So I'll say its a story about a rune as well as 2 friends divided by a war. If I get messages saying that people want to know more, I'll edit this and put more in, but I strongly suggest that you try and find this game and see the story unfold in front of you.
Overall, its an amazing game, and anyone who has played it would tell you the same if they had any sense in them. I gotta give it a 10. There is a reason its hard to find on ebay for less than 100 bucks.