Amazing RPG! Though the game is a bit dated by today's standards, those willing to step back in time are in for a treat

User Rating: 9.3 | Suikoden III (Konami the Best) PS2
Suikoden III is aan incredible RPG that uses it amazing story to captive its players and suck them into a virtual world of war, prejudice, wonder, and adventure. The dated graphics and sub-par sound, in addition to the lack of voice acting, may scare some players off, but those willing to give this masterpiece the time it needs to get under your skin will be delighted to find an incredibly engrossing RPG with something for every fan of the genre.

HIGH POINTS: The epic story!! The story is shown from 3 different viewpoints from 3 different main characters, which gives the player interestingly different perspectives on the major events at hand during the game. It also helps develop the games multitude of playable characters well. There are also bonus character storylines available (one in the middle and one after you complete the game) that flesh out the story even more. An amazing idea that should be more common in games of this type! The characters in the game have well written personalities, and you will feel like you know them and how they would react to certain situations by the end of the game (and not in a predictable, lame character sort of way). The story is definitely what drives this game. In addition, the Suikoden 108 stars of destiny are here as well, and those who enjoy searching for these characters will not be disappointed. Also, though the graphics are a bit bland, the spell effects are surprisingly good, considering when this game was made. Also, the ability to customize all character's skills and upgrade them gives the player the ability to customize their favorite characters the way that they want to. Awesome feature!

LOW POINTS: Well, most of these have to do with how long ago it was made, so I didn't deduct too many points for them, but regardless, they should be addressed. First, the graphics are ghetto. They are just good enough to differientiate between male and female. Most of the time...yikes. Also, the music is pretty bad. Only a couple of songs are passable, and even they get on your nerves after they loop 20 seconds after they start. Egad! (who says that?) So roll into this one with a good playlist rockin' on your computer and you should be fine. It's not like you will be missing any great voice acting or anything. I mean, I know it was released in 2002, but so was FF X wasn't it? Hmmm....Also, the combat can get a little annoying. Only being able to give 3 commands for 6 characters (1 per pair) can hurt your strategy. But take it into account, and you should be fine.

THE SCOOP: Overall, this is an amazing game. Definitely worth checking out for RPG fans. This game may be have its downfalls, mostly technical, but overall, this is a must play for fans of epic RPG's who may have missed out on this series. Even if you tried another Suikoden and hated it, give this one a shot! I promise it will change your mind on the series! I played four first, and thought it was ok, but this one was amazing! Get it now!