Suikoden IV is the newest in the series and its definetly a great addition!

User Rating: 9.6 | Genso Suikoden IV PS2
While the game does have a few flaws , fans and RPG lovers should be able to overlook them after there first couple hours in of playing. The battles of the game are very fast paced and feal smooth , the leveling up system is basically just like the other suiko games where you can pop an under leveled new addidtion to your crew in your team and level him right up to your current party in just minutes. The graphics are very impressive , besides the bland looking town of razril the jungle , mountain and other village enviroments are very impressive. In bethanys review she bashed the boat traveling and kept focusing on how slow it was , what she didnt realize was that theres something called the R1 button..But that being said the boat still isnt a little slow and the encounter rate is quite high. The good of this is that the high encounter rate helps you level and aslo gets you useful crafting materials for later on and once you get viki you'll barely have to be traveling around in your ship anyhow. While the mainstory is quite short , and doesnt have extreme depth , its quite nice and enjoyable. And if your the type of player who doesnt enjoy sitting around watching cut scenes for 3 hours in your rpgs then you'll like suikoden4. While the cut scenes , character development and dialogue are a little less emphasized on. The gameplay , the minigames and the things you can do on your ship are amazing. The minigames in this game are fantasic , theres plently of them and there highly ADDICTIVE! If you like RPGS and enjoy turn based ones and can look past a couple flaws , this is definetly a game you shouldnt pass on and you will highly enjoy it. Go buy it now , all of you! so we can have a suikoden 5.