Suikoden IV takes the series into some rough seas

User Rating: 7.5 | Genso Suikoden IV PS2
Suikoden IV is an RPG that is the sequel to Suikoden III, unforunatly it doesn't take much of anything from III. Suikoden IV places you as a soilder preparing to graduate from his academy with his fellow friends. Unfortunatly a dangerous rune called the rune of Punishment comes into our hero's life and its all downhill from there. Some changes would be the battle system, which now functions as a the Final Fantasy system, you no longer control two characters at once. Also the world of Suikoden IV is filled with water and slow moving ships. Now the slow moving ships wouldn't be a big problem it there were random battles included. You can barely advance without getting hit with ten random battles right after each other. This also hinders collecting your 180 stars as you will have to go to each island to find them. The story is there near the begining but dies down when collecting you 180 stars becomes you main quest. The game really wouldn't be so bad if these problem weren't there. Bottom Line: Suikoden IV is a decent game but you have to be able to over look some of its flaws.