continuing the story where suikoden 4 left off, this game is also mediocre like suikoden IV.
This game is nothing like those in terms of battle, obviously because it is a tactics game. The battle system is ok and continues the use of the ship battle's ruin systems with lightning, wind, water, fire, and earth, each one has its weakness. The battle system is ok but certain things are irksome about the game.
Firs, the graphics are weird. And not very good. I like the art for each character and thier faces, but the actual characters on the screen look fuzzy and tube-like.
Also, the story line. the main characters go around investigating these things called "rune cannons". why? they dont' really know. eventually they find out that they turn ppl into fish monsters. right... like thats the worst thing in the world. it couldn't like blow stuff up or anything.
some of the sidequests are fun, and as always, collecting characters is also fun. Even though there weren't 108 characters like in normal suikoden games. ALso, even though i didnt' like suikoden IV, it was sort of cool to see familiar faces.
OVerall, this game was just ok, and if you have played the suikoden games, liked them, and are bored, i say go ahead and get it. IF you really like tactics games, try this out also. otherwise, you probably shouldnt' bother.