A different version of Suikoden based on tactics and strategy.

User Rating: 7.8 | Rhapsodia PS2
Konami made another Suikoden game, Suikoden tactics. It concentrates on strategies to recruit and to defeat enemies. I can say that it is related to Suikoden 4. This game has different scenarios. The main problem here is the rune cannon itself. Monsters have been lurking everywhere. The only solution to it is to destroy the rune cannons and monsters. Kyril is the leader of the game. He is the hero in this game with the help of his friends like Andarc and others. Kyril's father died when investigating a mysterious event. Kyril must continue the mission to destroy the rune cannons and to avenge for his father's death.

You can load the game data from Suikoden 4. Hero 4 and Snowe will be present in Suikoden tactics. The characters from Suikoden 4 played a major role here like Sigurd and Hervey, Lino en kuldes, and the pretty and tough Kika. The day of luck depends if your day is Fire day, Wind day, Lightning day, Earth day, and Water day. Events will occur only on that possible day.

Knowledge and good technique is highly recommended here. If you play this type of game make sure you master it and perfect it. This game is not a continuation of Suikoden 4 but it relates with each other. Konami made a different type of Suikoden to avoid rendundance and boredom.