A mere shadow of what the suikoden series has previously put forth.
The game is slow and exhausting.
-It's story is underwhelming, and makes it a chore to sit there and play through the game.
-The characters of the game all look like members of a circus, and their disgusting voice acting only supports my observation.
-This game would have been better if it contained real time combat as opposed to turn based. It's turn based combat seems broken, and is a daunting task to endure.
-The game has you running from one place to another, having to endure loading screens and long conversations, that could be avoided.
-The main headquarters of your so called "army" is a broken, glitched up building with children sitting around acting like soldiers, and the recruitment system in this game is despicable compared to previous Suikoden games.
-The suikoden series is renowned for it's pleasing soundtrack, but this game had not one impressive piece of music.
-A very confusing game in terms of "where do I go" and "what do I do"
Still, if one is bored, this will help ease your boredom. It is not however, a revolutionary game. Quite the opposite in fact.