Sports surprisingly dull
User Rating: 2 | Sports Party WII
Lets start with the minor positives the game is very colourfull and cartoony. It seems quite fun but as for the gameplay it is extremely repetitive for example the shot clock for basketball the term airball swish and missed always pops up ,aggravating me tremendously you suddenly become uninterested very quickly with this poor game. The wii motion does not work as well as it should. Its poor graphics are a let down as well the people look like the ps2.None of the games have a real purpose like lawn darts it requires no skill. and you have to have your fingers crossed if you want to hit the bullseye. As for the golf the courses are designed well but the gameplay is horrible.Its disgracefully it maybe a bargain but it isnt worth a single penny. I do not recommend this game at all.If you are thinking about getting this game think twice.