Old fans will be pleased and this will create new fans too... What a game... Sooo... read me to find out why!
I just want to say I played the original Swordcraft and loved it and couldn't miss up the opportunity to play this one too. I am very happy with this sequel ((game engine-sequel not story-sequel)) the changes are welcome and reinvent the creation system.
Gameplay: Cool battle system, great custimization options with 200 weapons and each has three upgrade slots with around a possible 10 abilities each and also like 7 effects each, well I'd do the math for possibilities but not all of the possibilities would be that great, just know it's great for custimization.
Graphics: Better than the first at least, it's just a cute RPG on the GBA as normal for GBA RPGs ((Not as good as Golden Sun though IMO))
Sound: Good interlacing the way when your arguing with an enemy and there all sure of themselves then BOOM the music will stop being moody and will become up-beat 'cos you know your gonna kick... well ya know.
Value: It is only 20 hours of story yet when you complete as per the original there are some enemies that are much harder than end boss for your RPG extras pleasure.
Tilt: Big Fan of the first, Big Fan of great custimization and also I love humourous text yet serious when it needs to be. All the great stuff mentioned above makes this one kick-*ss game!
So... Stop reading and go buy it!
-Your not Cleru or trying to become Craftlord anymore.
-No 100 floor dungeon you go through different areas now much more like if Vance and everywhere you went to was like 7+ screens not just a few thrown in for variety. Due to there not being a 100 floor dungeon you can revisit all of the places you go to.
-The Creation System, you don't/can't break down items you just you the basic Ore ((Or Weapon Material because only a few things are called Ore)). I really liked the way in the original everything was able to be broke down but this is great.
-Item Creation, you can create your own equipment and healing items etc...
-Upgrading + Abilities and Effects, this is one of the coolest added aspects you can add up to 3 different Weapon Materials to a Weapon to make them gain a boost to the 3 base stats or DUR. You can also get special attacks that can be really, really fun! ((This makes DUR very similiar to MANA)).
-Upgrading V.2, when you want a stronger weapon you just add new materials you don't use the special ore anymore there are 40 weapon materials in the game all giving different stats ((You can also decide if you want the weapon to be elemental or have another "Effect"))
-Weapons don't repair after battle, need to go back to forge :(, yet I didn't ever get to a point where I was like "Oh, no boss I should of repaired" just use Whetstones and such to keep your weapons over 100 DUR you'll be fine.
-Get to Pilot a big Robot ((Once but it's fun as hell, and also again if you unluck something when completed))