i was told to but it by my Bro to buy summon night. i really had no idea what it was like and when i first played i thought it was a little dry. After an hour i was stared to like quite a bit. When i got to 2 hours it would be the best GBA i have ever played...its also better then a couple GCN games. this RPG is worth the money for sure ,but you must be somewhat patient for a little while before you get into it.
up's: The best part is that you can make your own weapons and get the materials to make them. you can get most of the bosses weapons if they have one and they have alot of defence, durablilty, and/or attack. the ablilty to have different summon spirits and different main characters. The story is better then average.
down's: The side-scrolling isn't the best and the graphics are mediocre. Also the weapon and magic attacks get kinda old.
Other Helpful Reviews for Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari
Out of the blue, Atlus, makers of one of the finest turn-based strategy RPGs ever released on the GBA (Tactics Ogre) has come through yet again with another winner in Summon Night: Swordcraft Story. Most of GS’s (and o... Read Full Review
Summon Night is a great RPG game where you creat weapons from diffrent categorys and try and become a new craftlord in Western! The game is underrated and I mean what I say and write when I give this game a 10 out of 10.... Read Full Review