Despite a small world, useless magic, and short length, this is a fun RPG with a great story genre fans will enjoy.
You have a cute little creature that helps you in this quest and levels up with experience. It learns magic abilities that you can use in combat, though the encounters and bosses are easy enough to overlook such things. Since you can only use your creature 5 times during battle, it's more practical to save those uses for healing items, should you do run into a spot of trouble.
There are plenty of weapons to craft in this game giving completionists something to do. In order to craft them, you must have the correct amount of different materials. You can even use mystic ore to enchant some of them. The materials are simple to acquire by just fighting and wandering through the labyrinth. If you fight everything you encounter, it's very unlikely for you to have a shortage if you stick with forging the weapon types you primarily use. Completionists will be making frequent trips to the labyrinth to stock up. Some materials can be purchased through item shops, as well as accessories, but you can easily avoid the shops entirely.
There are five different weapon types available to you; swords, axes, spears, knuckles, and drills. You can equip three of them and easily switch between them in combat. Each has their perks and flaws, but the game is too simple to really make that come into play. The only thing you have to pay attention to is your weapons durability. As you block and make attacks, you wear down your weapon's durability. If it breaks, it's gone and you'll have to forge a new one. It will also make you lose a tournament battle, in which you are only allowed one weapon. Still, it's not that big a worry.
The world is very small and most of the action takes place in a 50 floor dungeon. Each level of the floor is relatively small and it' pretty easy to clear. Later in the game you'll have the opportunity to visit a few other locations with dungeons, but once you've finished the plot there, you won't be able to return. The other dungeons are a nice change from the labyrinth and it would have been nice to have the freedom of movement to return for materials hunting and change of scenery.
The game's story is of the heartwarming variety and told very well, though a bit on the simplistic side. The ending is nicely done and a good length. The differences between the two characters you have to choose from at the beginning is purely aesthetic. It doesn't change the plot, just a few dialog sequences will be slightly different. Completionists can rejoice once more after completing the game, as they'll have the opportunity to delve through 50 more levels of the dungeon, fight more bosses, and forge more weapons. You can also complete your bestiary and fight an exhibition match that's all the tournament bosses in succession. Oh, and if that's not enough, you could go for level 99. This will increase the play time from the average 14 hours, give or take a few, it takes to complete the main story. The graphics are very nicely done and very cute. Each of the weapons you forge have a unique appearance you can see in combat which is a nice detail. The monsters are well designed, though a bit too cute. The character designs are nice, though the main character looks a bit drab compared to what's typical of the genre. The spell effects look very good, if ever you use them. The animations in combat are very smooth and the environments themselves very nice. It is a beautiful game to behold.
The music is mediocre and there aren't very many different tracks, so it can get annoying hearing the same few songs repeated, but it could have been worse. The sound effects are quite good, though.
For a short game, this one isn't too bad. Combat gets tedious and it's lack of difficulty is a bit of a let down. It could have done with a little bit of puzzle solving, more freedom of movement, and a few more other dungeons besides the massive labyrinth. The magic system practically has no use, since the game's easy enough to hack your way through. Despite all this, it's quite fun to play.