Fantastic Storyline

User Rating: 8.6 | Summon Night: Craft Sword Monogatari GBA
Okay first things first the whole reason to playing this game is for the storyline. It gives you a bit of freedom of choice in which to do things which is good. It definitely gives you mass incentive to keep playing. The weapon crafting system while fairly basic is definitely addicting as your always waiting to forge something stronger and overall better. As for the actual battle system itself it gives some variety but I do agree that it tends to be pretty "Meh". As well the whole you can only use 5 magic skills per battles requires you to think but beyond the basic skills there wasn't much use as I had the same 4 half the game. The graphics are good for game boy advance and tend to resemble anime. The definite downside to the game is the sound it's so repetitive and yet even so I can't remember any of it after the fact. Which may be a good thing I have some games that I can remember after 15 years for sound... After beating the main quest anyhow you have the rest of the dungeon unlocked in order to gain levels and new weapons. At this point however it loses its storyline and therefore you can just pass your time pretty much bored. Good game for how long it lasts with a great amount of replay value, I just don't recommend fighting monsters till level 99.