What makes this game stand out is it's intuitive battle system. When approaching an enemy you click the left mouse button to begin your attack--once an attack is started you will be prompted with a little chain icon above the character and if performed correctly a chain move will occur. This can be repeated as many times as you can correctly click the right mouse button. You can also use ALT, CAPS, SHIFT, and CTRL to use specific chain moves. There are only four moves allotted to the chain attacks at one time which can be changed at any time by going to the character screen. Each character has unique chain moves and as the character progresses they will learn new chain moves. The battles are extremely different than some RPGs in the way that you cannot just hack at a creature. There is a delay in the attacks to give a more traditional turn-based hybrid that combine with spells that can be cast.
My favorite game. Even now, after so many years after beating it, it gives me that strange good feeling when I remember it. The story is the best one I experienced in all games I played, even comparing it with the game... Read Full Review
yes this game is a classic and will live on forever like any epic work of art should. when i first got this game years ago, my PC just could not handle it, so I put it aside and after a few more years I said to myself... Read Full Review