Super breakout is kind of like a sideways version of pong, except much worse.
My first time playing Super breakout, I was expecting something like pong. In a way, I was right. There is one paddle, which you can move two directions, and a ball. However, the top of the screen is filled with blocks. Every time a block is hit by the ball, the block is destroyed, and the ball bounces back to you. This would be good fun, if it were not for the controls. If you merely tap the button, the paddle will pretty much fly. This is hard when you need more precise hitting.
One interesting thing is there are two balls up top, waiting to be released. Once you hit out some blocks around them, they will fall too, and you will have two and maybe even three balls to bounce. This is helpful, because you can lose one ball, but not a life (which you get three of per quarter, by the way).
The game is near broken because of its super sensitivity, but if you can somehow look around that, there will be a bit of fun. Thanks for reading!