I don't care what they say, Super Castlevania IV is still the best Castlevania game there is.
After playing several of the GBA/DS ones, my taste for Castlevania has kindof gone sour. They abandoned the classic horror platforming action for RPG mechanics, Metroid-style adventuring and rediculous plots that oftentimes feel arbitrary and forced. Wow... that was a big bash. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good vampire hunt (especially the first DS game)... but none of them come close to the classics.
SCIV is my favorite entry in the series. It continued the challenging and direct gameplay of the NES games, but brought it to life with 16-bit graphics and some new gameplay elements. The classic story and classic music return. Once again, it's Simon storming Dracula's castle and whipping his way up the towers, where the vampire lord himself stands in defense of his coffin. There's no half-vampire superpowers, no extra weapons or strength rating, no love-interest/sorcerers/shopkeepers. Nothing pulls you away from the quest... this is an action title one hundred percent.
Well, this kindof turned into a gush... I'm sorry. However, anyone who considers themselves a Castlevania or a platformer fan needs to play this game. It's one of the last games in the "early days" of the series, and one of the best. If you're in the mood for some classic 16-bit action, or wanted to see what Castlevania was really like before it ripped off Super Metroid, I recommend this game strongly. With it's classic premise, design and downright kickin' soundtrack... it's easily one of the best VC offerings to date.