Super Contra - warning, 'x' button may suffer
User Rating: 8.1 | Super Contra X360
Konami has already revived the original Contra, and now not long after, they have made an XBLA version of Super Contra. While the original was difficult, Super Contra is an absolute gauntlet of old-school gaming. Enemies are now more numerous and fire many more of those maddening glowing bullets. The spread gun is back to help, and (along with the other weapon effects) looks nicer than the one in the original. Replacing the relatively relaxed tunnel sections of the first game are new top-down frenzied levels which you must frantically race through while fighting off endlessly spawning enemies. Basically the elevated difficulty means that you need to take advantage of the co-op mode, which works well with very little lag over Xbox Live. If you like a challenge in your arcade games, look no further. This game is a blast to play with a friend and will challenge you for a good amount of time. But be warned - the relentless button-mashing that the shooting in this game requires will be very hard on your controller.