If you like the street fighter engine, you'll like this. If you like DBZ type games, you will be left wanting more.

User Rating: 5.8 | Super Dragon Ball Z PS2
This game is interesting, though it isn't as hard edge as the other titles. The street fighter engine is nice, but I don't think it works well for a DBZ game. For one, there isn't very many character to choose from. It kind of goes again the other titles that had 60+ character involved. Also, the amount of moves per character is very limited. I think this game is a good place to start for a young kids, one that is new to the DBZ games. But for a veteran of the series, it's not as good by comparison. I wonder what they were thinking behind this game. Was is just to try a different engine, or was it for the cash alone? Because to the serious gamer, this doesn't cut it.