So hard, but yet somthing makes you continue...
S G&G Is a side scroller, with, a knight who is set out on an adventure to save a damsel in distress! And whoever actually managed to get through the game, give your self a pat on the back. I say that because, THIS GAME IS FRIGGIN HARD! Heh, just try and make it past the second lv with max lives and on beginner. Theres probably a hundred monsters out in the game, and to make it worse theres boss at each end of the lvs. To make it EVEN more worse, you have to health, one armour, and one with your pajama's. So its like, BA BOOM, your dead.
But why do you continue through the game? I dunno, but is it becuase you feel more encourged each time you die that you could beat it the next. Knowing what to do to kill it or to get passed it? That might be it. But I personally love the selection of weponary, either its a spear, or an exploding bomb that kills anything in its radius. Its awesome. Theres also some armours you can get. For the graphics it seems for me that it slows down or as you might call it, lags, when I get to an area when theres tons of movements on the screen. But that never seems to slow down the action. The graphics seems acceptable for the snes. But back in the day, they seemed wicked awesome
Out of all, if your up for an excellent challenge but a great time while doing so. I advise you to pick up S G&G.