Super Hang On new features make this game worth while to play
This game has two modes, the arcade and original. The Arcade mode features the same 4 course from the arcade. The original mode is where you race rivals and winning earns you money from a sponsor. In the beginning, you have a stock motorcycle, which is less then half of the performance you use in the arcade more. You can use this money to add parts onto you're bike to improve the performance up to the arcade standard. As you process in the Original mode, you are challenged by faster rivals on different courses. For a game created in 1989, the game was pretty good.
You can also hire a Mechanic to fit the parts for you, this gives you a chance to improve how you're motorcycle can take damage and prevent it ending up being retired from a race when it takes a huge beating.
The music in the game is good and fits well with the theme. You can select from 4 tracks at the beginning of each race. Each track focused on the Hard\Heavy Rock genre.
You can resume the game by logging down passwords. Around where passwords were vital if you wanted to resume you're position in any game. Technology has advance since then. However it's worth it if you wanted to complete Super Hang On.
Super Hang On expands the gameplay of the Hang On game and takes advantage of the Genesis and offers a length racing game. One that's worth playing especiality if you're a huge fan of any Yu Suzuki game.