Another well made classic by Sega, this is a must for all Genesis fans.
In the career mode you start off with the basic cheapest bike you can have then you have to race to earn money to build up your bike with better parts. You can also higher better mechanics to help look after the bike. The objective in career mode (original mode) is to race against each opponent beat them 5 times and move onto the next level. Each level comes with different sponsors who are the people you will be earning the money from. As you rack up the money you will be able to upgrade and outfit the bike till no one can stop you. But be warned this will certainly take a while and this really does give the game good depth. As you will no doubt learn there is a hell of a lot to play against.
Speed boost is so important to both arcade and original mode. When you learn the tracks and know where to use the boost you will be unstoppable. In arcade mode if you use the speed boost wisely you can actually complete it. The same happens with the original mode except you have the advantage here to work the same track over a few times to know when and how to use it.
I have to say the graphics a very good compared to most Genesis games of the time. As you race on the different tracks you will notice that backgrounds, foregrounds and the advertising boards are all well designed. The colours are very good and the mix is excellent.
The sound effects are what you would expect and the four sound tracks suit the game perfectly. This game is truly a quality piece of work by Sega and you won’t get much better than this for any other motorbike racing game.