Given that there's not a lot of chopper games around, this is not bad if you can forgive the half-baked production.

User Rating: 6 | Super Hind PSP
This is a game that seems like a dumped project that somebody bother to pick it back up from the wastebin, took free time to finish it and get it out in the market, hoping people would bother to play. I did. The amateurish as well as derivative storyline and pitiful level design is enough to put people off after trying out the first stage.

But if you love military choppers, the somewhat realistic unit design and maneuver physics may keep your attention long enough to endure a few more rounds before you decide if it's a waste of time. I can say that there's no reason to complete the game given the miserable few unlockables and near zero sense of achievement except knowing that you've struck a game-to-be-played off the list.

Like an arcade game, your super chopper has unlimited ammo, which works well for the consistent action, though 12 rounds of the same thing can really test one's patience. A good rent though.
