This game justs works.
User Rating: 9 | Super Mario 3D Land 3DS
Playing this game reminded me of why I cherish the mustached plumber. Super Mario 3D Land includes the elements that make the Mario franchise the hands down best platforming series of all time. This game works beautifully in both 2d and 3d. The level design is nothing short of what you would expect from a Mario platforming game. The boss fights just feel right and the controls are just as tight as any fan could dream of. The sound is the sound you would expect from a Mario game. Graphically this game looks very nice, though it does become a bit fuzzy once 3d is turned on. There are some really nice effects in the 3d mode that make up for this blurriness though. If you are the one person that owns a 3ds and doesn't own this game, I can only ask you why and urge you to get to your local electronics store and right your wrong. You won't be dissappointed..