A completely new way to play was revealed with the new masterpiece! This could possibly be the best game of all time.

User Rating: 9.7 | Super Mario 64 N64
This game introduced me to 3D platforming, and my god, was my life changed for ever. I picked this game up the first day the N64 was released and I have never played a game on initial released like I played this sucker. The experience was just so fun. I mean if you want to sum up Mario 64 in one word you can only choose fun. This is fun.

The level design was absolutely amazing. You would walk and jump around on trees for hours if you wanted, without even getting into the actual the levels of game. The new way to play now seems to be the standard in comtempory games. Get this god damn game.

There is supposed to be a new release for the Nintendo DS, but I doubt that is an honest representation of the game since that system is analoge stick free. If you can't find a copy or want to purchase an N64, I would wait till the Wii is released because this title should be available for download.