even though the controls aren't that good super mario 64 ds is still a very good game.

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario 64 DS DS
super mario 64 is a remake of super mario 64 back on the nintendo 64. I was a huge fan of the origanal. It plays like its n64 counter part besides a few gameplay twists. For exampleyou don't start the game as mario you start it as yoshi and as you play through the game you will unlock mario, Luigi and wario and they all have diffrerent abilities. In the origanal there were these different color swicth blocks that would give mario a special abilty in the ds version the power flower comes out of the swicth block and different things happen to the chrecters, yoshi can blow fire for a short while, wario turns metal, luigi turns invisble and mario turns into a balloon. The mini games and the multi player are fun to and the graphics are improved and there are more stars and levels to get and play through. What keeps this from being better than the origanal is the camara is not auto anymore and the controls aren't as tight on the d pad than the anolog stick and you will fall down ledges a lot but you should get used to it after a while. With thirty more stars to collect, more levels and the adition of yoshi, luigi and wario as playable fans of the origanal will not be dissapointed and neither with people new to the series.