a game that started it all...sm64
User Rating: 10 | Super Mario 64 N64
This game was the first game i would play for hours when i was little.It might be old but this game has awsomeness written all over it.Its an original to think its on the virtual consol for wii thats awsome and ypou should go try it out.this was one of the first 3d games made from nintendo.they dont sell them anymore at gamestop but you can find it on ebay or some crappy store. it could just be the best game of the 19th century.to me it is. mario is one of my favorite game series.unfortantily the new ones for the wii cost allot and my dad is pretty much a cheapskate but he does what he can this time i'm not the game this is the game.Nintendo 64 might be a crappy console on the outside but the games it plays [sm64]- are down to the ground awsome.super mario galaxy since release in like late 2006 it still sells for 50 bucks. whats up with that.anyone watchin this check out my account and be my friend