Dude, when they first release this game on the n64 it was like the best thing that had ever happen in human life. Over 8 years pass and they remade this game on the nintendo ds which was a really great idea because they added 30 new stars and 3 new playable characters into it, yoshi, luigi and wario. Not only did they added new characters and stars into it, but they also improved the graphics and camera angle big time. If that wasn't enough, they also added multiplayer so you can compete with your buddies in mini games and in collecting the stars. THAT WAS A REALLY AWESOME IDEA!!! Now 10 year after the original release, or 2 after the one on the ds, they come out with an exact copy of the original one with not even the smallest upgrade in graphics, gameplay or stars nor characters. THAT'S REALLY DISAPPOINTING!!! Is like getting a downgrade from a weaker system, the ds, to a more powerful system, the wii. If you're planning on getting this game, I strongly suggest getting or at least consider getting the one on the ds lite which is much better than an "exact copy of the original." The only excuse on not getting the one on the ds is if you don't have a ds/dslite, which makes it reasonable to go and buy this game on the wii.
Back in 1996, Mario 64 released for the N64. The N64 had just come out, and Mario 64 served as its opening act, and what an opening act it was. It blew everyone away, not only because it defined the 3D platformer as we... Read Full Review
This was a great game, top of the line for its time, and more importantly a classic that is better left unchanged. Sure as someone said the DS version had more capabilities, graphics, charcters, players, etc. But the ori... Read Full Review