The best graphics of its time.

User Rating: 9.6 | Super Mario 64 N64
This game has the greatest graphics of many of the N64 games. The story is very nice, and the game is pretty tough. At first you might beat the game and just say, " Well that was easy." Well if you did you would be wrong. You need to collect all 150 stars to truely win. Then a cannon will open outside the castle you may blast on the roof and talk to Yoshi. Then you may say you have trulely beaten the game. The sound is very nice, and you dont normally expect great sound out of a N64 game. Espeically because it was a very early game. 1996 was when it was released. The better graphics werent made until 1998. So Mario got the great graphics before many of the N64 games did. This game takes much stradegy and requires a brain to play. It has many hard levels and many easy levels. After a whileyou might give up the game because you think it's to hard, but you might come back to it someday and think it's cake. This game is very fun and very challenging. If you do not have this game and you do have a N64, get it. Don't get the DS one. It is to much different from this game and you won't get the true fun out of this game if you buy the DS one.